Quotes of the Quarter — Q1 2022

Sakky B
4 min readMay 22, 2022


My friends enjoyed my first rendition of my Quote Book share, so I thought I’d make another one.

I went through Cape Town, Nepal, London, Miami, and San Fran in the first few months of 2022, and here’s a recap of some memorable sayings and moments from these cities.

Sometimes it’s not about pushing, it’s about positioning.

Richmond Amoah

I think this might be my favorite quote ever. Rich told me this during one of our weekly catchups and it resonated so much with some of my experiences in work & play recently. How you position yourself has such a disproportionate impact on your experiences in life. Take asymmetric bets.

I’m not shaking a man’s hand on International Women’s Day.

Fatena Ali

I met Fatena in Cape Town through some ridiculous chance encounters. Safe to say she fit the bill of a confident lawyer with this line on a Tuesday night.

Men cooking is appropriating womens culture.

Safwan, Lion’s Head

Considering this happened the day after the previous quote, this is hilarious.

Art decorates space, music decorates time.

Matthew Weyers

Matt dropped this gem while telling us the story of his dinner with Black Coffee on my final night in Cape Town.

In every city I’ve gone to, I try and create a playlist on Spotify for it. Songs I hear during my experiences there become so attached to those very moments I first heard them that it's like going back in time right to that moment.

Sometimes you feel like you’re fucked. When you say you’re fucked you’re only like 45% fucked.

Nim’s Dai, 14 Peaks

A man that demonstrates human perseverance like no other sharing a poignant reminder that you’re probably not screwed, however bad it feels.

I’m not much of a nationalist but I do take pride in spreading awareness of Nepali people across the world. So it was very cool to hear my friends talk to me about Nim’s Dai and his team climbing 14 mountains in 8 months that became popular on Netflix.

It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger


Life’s a journey filled with experiences. At the start, you naturally suck, just like everyone else. I used to think things got easier with time, but the challenge is still there, I’ve heard 60-year-olds talk about struggling with mental health. I used to think over time, things became easier.

So I really liked the framing of this, because the challenge will always be there. It’s always going to be hard to play a John Mayer track, to hit a muscle-up, to keep your calm amidst anger, to approach that stranger. All these things are always going to be challenging, and as we push ourselves, we grow and we can take it on with strength.

Build healthy boundaries not brick walls.

Silpa Poudyal

In my life, boundaries enforced by others have kept friendships that otherwise may not exist today. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s important to set these, as an attempt to maintain a friendship, not as a barrier to it.

You want to be friends with people that can surprise you.

Joe Goldberg, YOU Season 3

It’s cool to be around cool people because they’ll make life interesting (and also probably then you’re cool too and who doesn't want to be cool?).

You ever been violated so hard it takes your breath away.

Ralph Gemade

When a Miami security guard decided to get a little handsy with my school friend. For context, Ralph is 6'3 and around 200lbs, so it must’ve been quite the maneuver.

Think about mining as if you’re mining, but you’re not mining, so forget about mining.

David Johnson ⓓⓙ

When DJ was trying to explain play-to-earn gaming to a friend at the party, they asked if it was like mining crypto.

Hitting goals will keep you chasing, but being identity-driven will fulfil you.

A feeling everyone feels after they’ve done it. You’re like now what? Aim for your identity with your actions and you’ll feel amazing every step of the way.

That’s not part of my journey.

Duanne Aspell

I liked this as a nice way to say I don’t want to do something 💀

Looking at the camera was not a part of my journey.

I hope you learned something from this article and took away a quote for your own safekeeping.

Remind yourself to reflect on your memories and experiences, you might just be having the time of your life.

Stay humble, stay blessed.


